Friday, 28 May 2010

I am

I Am Kind
I Am Great
I Am Secure
I Am Loving
I Am Wanted
I Am Positive
I Am Pleasant
I Am Thankful
I Am Fantastic
I Am a Creator
I Am a Thinker
I Am an Inventor
I Am a Believer in God
I Am Spiritually Minded
I Am a Believer in Myself
I Am new Possibilities in Life
I Am a Believer in Good Things
I Am a Wonderful Human Being

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Five Empowering Procrastination Tips

One of the most destructive effects of procrastination is the fact that it makes you feel out of control. Procrastination is like an 'invisible force' that keeps you from doing the very things you know you must do. With the increasing demands on our time and attention there seems to be an increase in procrastination as a chronic problem, especially amongst those people that want to succeed the most. Procrastination usually sets in when you feel overwhelmed by all the 'have to's' in life and instead of making steady progress you take on too much without ever getting any of it done.

Feeling out of control takes away all your power to shape and direct your own life. It's true that there are many things over which you have no control, but you always have full control over what really happens to you - and what really happens to you is a mental process and independent of the circumstances and events of the outside world. Being empowered means that you realize that you already have the power and this realization also gives you the ability to take action. Here are five empowering procrastination tips that can help you to reach this realization and become empowered to effectively deal with procrastination and inaction.

Bringing Barriers to Personal Growth and Success Down

Often things that happen whilst we are growing up, the way we are treated as early adults and how we eventually feel about ourselves today, are all linked together. Positive influences and feelings create personal growth and success where as negative influences and feelings create barriers and low self-esteem problems that hold you back from being a success in your life. Past problems can lead to anger issues, emotional detachment, addictive personalities, low self-esteem, low personal values and even financial incapability's which are all the ingredients that are necessary for a life that becomes stuck in a rut leading to personal and professional problems.

These barriers are built over time and are built upon by further negative experiences, actions and problems. Often we can't see any way out of the place we have found ourselves in, we feel there is no hope and that only good things happen to people who are just luckier than us. However, when it comes down to it, it has nothing to do with luck it has to do with state of mind and the desire to change the path that we are currently treading down.
So where do you find the light at the end of the tunnel, and how?

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The countdown has begun.

The time is now approaching when the ticket price for the Home From Home Fundraising Boat Dance will change from £25.00 to £30.00. Get your tickets early and don't delay. It is starting to get hectic!

You can pay for your tickets via this site using paypal. make a copy of your paypal receipt and bring it with you on the day and you will be issued with the official Boat Dance ticket. It can't get any easier than that.

So lets make it a night to remember! Get on board.

As You Believe it, So is it Done Unto You

As you believe it, so is it done unto you is an old biblical reference that many are familiar with, but few take seriously. What is interesting is that Quantum Physics, metaphysics, Eastern Philosophy, and Transpersonal Psychology overlap each other with respect to the notion that it/we are all one and we do create our reality. Thus this biblical reference is becoming the mantra of the day. So much of what we are seeing with regard to these areas of study, is that if everything is one and each particle of the Universe interacts with one another than why should the energy used to put out thought, desire, will, wants, goals, etc. be any different? It isn't. If each interaction of molecules, energy, waves produce an equal and opposite reaction, why not our thoughts and intentions?

The answer is, they do. Each thought we are aware of, positive and negative has impact on the One. Every time we speak our wants, goals, desires, positively or negatively, it has impact. Therefore, if what we want or don't want is put out into the Universe, it has power. This power is the power of creation. As many in the fields above have mentioned, our reality is created by this power of thought and word. Every time we send a message into the Universe there is an effect that brings about a tremor in the force if you will, that molds our lives.

Now, what is even more complex and dare I say off setting, is that not only the conscious intentions/verbalizations are processed in this way, but so too are the subconscious ones. This clearly brings in a whole other can of worms because how the heck do you monitor what is going our if it is subconscious? If you have no idea what is being communicated to the Universe, how do you change it? This is the tough question, but the good news is there is an answer.

However, the answer is not all inclusive and it is complex. What has to occur is that we need to do two things to be able to have some impact on effecting this subconscious effect. First, we have to look at our patterns of behavior which lets us know where our insecurities lie. Our subconscious manifests in repetitive behavioral patterns. In this way we are able to monitor and recognize what it is that gets in our way or sabotages our growth. As we work to become more familiar with our "stuff" we can heal or correct it. This healing or correction allows us to get out of our way and clean up our subconscious. The second way of attending to this relates to what a friend of mine is always saying, if you want to know what you want, look at what you got. As simplistic as this sounds, it relates directly to the title of this article. In concert with the premise that we create our reality, if you do not have what you think you want, you don't really believe in your subconscious that you have a right to it. Therefore, what you don't allow yourself, is what you have to clean up in what I call your subconscious miss-beliefs of self. These miss-beliefs are the learned aspect of your self that says you can't have, don't deserve, or are not good enough to get. These miss-beliefs need cleaning up in terms of you psychological DNA that is heavily in your way.

These self interventions are not easy nor are they a quick fix. They are however, essential if one is going to be putting out the right conscious and subconscious signals to have the quantum field of the Universe respond in a positive manner to what it is you are going after or wanting.

Gary Richman has an masters in clinical social work and a masters and Ph.D. in clinical psychology. He has over the last thirty years practiced psychotherapy in private practice and at such institutions as Children's Hospital, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Glendale Memorial Hospital, and Santa Monica Hospital. He has lectured on such issues as Occupational Burnout, Surviving Adolescents for Parents, Assessing Depression and Suicidal Ideation, and Transpersonal Psychology.

His web site is where you can read about his educational background and his current book: The Road To Me: Reclaiming Your Power. His blogs can be found on and he is on Facebook.

Article Source:

Sunday, 16 May 2010

A Study of Fear

Before anyone moves on in life they have to overcome their fears. It seems fear is all around us making it the first obstacle to overcome in meeting new challenges.
Very few people actually admit to having fears and yet everyone has them. I certainly have some, one of which is about writing this article. I am afraid of you not liking my writing and passing criticism. And yet there are men and, of course, women who act with courage in extremely difficult situations. The truth is of course they act in spite of fear, not because they have no fear.
Perhaps the definitive book on the subject is 'Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers. In her book Ms Jeffers says, "Fear seems to be epidemic in our society. We fear beginnings; we fear endings. We fear changing; we fear 'staying stuck.' We fear success; we fear failure. We fear living; we fear dying."
Governments And Mass Media
Governments frequently manipulate the people through fear. A good example of course is the Nazi manipulation of media against the Jewish race in the 1930's. Sadly blaming ethnic groups for problems is still too common today. In the movie 'V For Vendetta' the dictator instructs his aids 'Tell the people why they rely on us.' This is a fine example of the use of the emotion: make the population afraid and reliant on the protection of the state.
The popular media use fear to promote products. The insurance industry is particularly prone to this. In my mail the other day I received a leaflet from an insurance company selling travel insurance. The slogan ran 'What happens if you get detached from your luggage?' The idea of course is to let us know what terrible things could happen to us so we will buy their products and so peace of mind.
The content of television programmes and news publications is a significant source of fear. Individuals are now afraid of the dark following news reports on the few robberies that occur. The passion for horror movies certainly helps develop our fears of things that will not happen. After work one dark evening I decided to go for a walk. On my way I came across a group of young men who moved away as I approached. I found that a little strange until I realised it was Halloween and I had put on a large dark overcoat and a black wide brimmed hat! Their imagination had clearly fed their existing fears.
Cause And Effect
It is a sad fact that most of the destructive acts in the world have started from ignorance and fear. Good examples can be found in the witch-hunts and attacks on supposed heretics in the past. There are more recent examples too. An English newspaper ran an attack on pedophiles in 2000. On the Paulsgrove housing estate in Portsmouth this created riots and attempted lynch mobs against suspects. Ironically one of their victims turned out to be not a pedophile but a pediatrician at a community hospital.
Fear is deep rooted in society but needs to be identified and addressed before anyone can achieve their goals in life. The sources of fear need to be identified and the inspiration messages found that need to overcome the emotion.
Keith Braithwaite is a generally nosy and opinionated guy but his heart is in the right place. After nearly thirty years in the corporate world and twenty keenly observing direct selling, he is now following his interests in self-development, internet marketing and historical studies.
Join him on a journey to getting the most out of life using down to earth information (without the hype!) on

Saturday, 15 May 2010

An opportunity to have a spectacular evening with fun and excitement on The River Thames, Boat Dance

Are you prepared to let your hair down, relax and enjoy yourself? If you are, then an invitation is open to YOU, your friends and family.
There will be two boat parties;

1. The first one will be held on The River Thames on Saturday 19th June, from 8.00pm, departing from Westminster Pier - Viscountess Boat. So don't be late or you will miss the boat! 

2. The second one will be held on the Treasure Queen boat in Trinidad, date and time to be confirmed.

The reason behind the two boat parties is to raise funds to buy a property that will house a Rehab for Women / Children. A charity is been formed named 'Home From Home,' which will based in Trinidad.

The basic work of the charity will be to help those people that have fallen on hard times and give them the opportunity to establish themselves in society once again by promoting their physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being.The proceeds will go to establish this new home.

The key to this is : Humanitarianism, Hope and Goodwill. These fund raising events will give individuals and groups the chance to donate to this worthy cause and also have fun at the same time.

Tickets are on sale and will be on a first come first serve basis so don't leave it for last minute, only to be disappointed. The events are going to be awesome!

Early Bird Tickets £25.00 till 21st May and then prices go up to £30.00. (Includes a Meal)

Visit website: , face book: home from home or email:
 Ticket outlets call - 07889139144 or 07961 179 389 or you can now purchase or donate for this event using the PayPal Button on this site.

So don't delay and lets make this a night to remember and I'll see you there.

Humanitarianism, Hope and Goodwill for the homeless in Trinidad

You don't have to be living on the street to be homeless. You may be legally classed as homeless if you are sleeping on a friend's sofa, staying in a hostel, or suffering from overcrowding or other bad conditions.

Trinidad is a cosmopolitan society made up of the haves and the have nots. An island which has been so lucky to have the commodity of oil that has helped the country to grow in stature. But since independence 31st August 1962, the troubles of homelessness and vagrants have become gradually worse.

As we draw nearer to 2020 and with our country's aim to compete with the world's in all fields, let us not forget those that are less fortunate, through no fault of there own, they have become destitute and hopeless on our streets. Those of us who have, need to share our money, time and talents by showing, respect for others, responsibility to make a difference and regard for our community.

Are we as a Nation ready to make a commitment, a real commitment to take on the challenge of giving back to our community to make a difference for others and ourselves. Are you ready to raise the bar and set a higher standard both socially and economically to make our community a great example for others to follow? It's time to take action now...Get involved today!

How to Change What You Focus on and Start to Feel Great

The reason we feel the way we do on a daily basis is the result of what we focus on every minute of our day and what we are feeling physically in our body at that particular moment.

The feelings that we experience are affected by a number of different things, like the amount of sleep that we get, what we eat and by the change in our energy levels.

If you are tired then you are most likely not going to feel very enthusiastic about very many things although by changing your focus the amount of energy that you are able to feel can be incredible.

What we focus on is a direct result of the questions that we are continuously asking ourselves in that particular moment. If we keep asking negative questions, our brain will search for negative answers, based on our past, our environment, what people have said or done to us and if our brain cannot find anything worthwhile, it will make things up to try and come up with an answer.

The secret to overcoming the whole negative downhill ride into a state of frustration, disempowerment and even depression is to change the way in which we ask ourselves questions. For instance, instead of asking yourself why you never have any energy, you could change the question around to be more positive by asking yourself how you can increase your energy levels. Your brain will then search for a positive way to help you or any ideas of avenues that you could explore to achieve your goal.

When you ask a positive question, your brain stops thinking about why you cannot do a certain task or why something always happens to you, and starts focusing on how you can change your situation.

These types of questions will start to empower you and lift up your energies levels and in turn make you feel better. Too often people spend their time thinking about everything that is going wrong in their lives instead of using all that energy to explore all the great things that are happening in their lives. The sad thing about this is that you start to find yourself in a rut where nothing you do actually brings you any joy or happiness because you do not take the time to see the positive things that are actually happening.

If you could spend only ten percent of the time that you dedicate to focusing on why things are so bad,on all the good,positive things that are actually happening in your life,you will feel an amazing transformation in your zest for life,energy levels and desire to excel in every area of your life. All it takes is the time to change the questions that you ask yourself to more empowering questions that can steer you to more positive answers.

Wade has been writing articles online for over two years now. Come visit his latest website at which helps people find the best garden furniture deals and information when designing their outdoor area at home.

Article Source:

You Can Do it, Three Keys to Victory

Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come. ~ Og Mandino

You can do it! I don't know if you really know that, but I'm telling you. You can do it. Whatever you want to accomplish, there are steps you can take today that will lead you toward your goals. You just need to get started.

We have a pup named Rascal, but he should have been called 'Houdini'. He escapes from the yard on a regular basis. It's fenced, of course. But Rascal hunts until he finds a way to get out. Every time we block an exit, he finds another. His goal in life is to be free.

I was thinking about that this morning, and how it applies to us. What are you trying to accomplish with your life? What is your dream? And what is holding you back?

Sometimes your challenges are mental. This is just too hard. I don't have time! Can I really do this? Why would anyone want to listen to me?

Then there are learning challenges. HOW do I do it? I don't understand this. What if I have to go back to school? I don't even know where to begin.

Often, the problem is other people's attitudes. You're doing WHAT? Why would you want to do that? You'll never get it off the ground!

Sometimes they are actual - time constraints, other responsibilities, emergencies and life's little surprises that show up every day.

To find your own path to victory, use these three keys:

1. Image the future you want as if it's finished. Give your subconscious something to focus on. Then, commit to put in some effort - every day - that will move you toward your goal.

2. Overlook setbacks and disappointments. Tell yourself, "I will not be defeated and I will not quit." Make that your mantra. Keep trying. Find the holes in your fences. Go over, around or through the problems.

3. Learn to value the process of discipline. Put yourself through the paces. Do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Be prepared and willing to attack the challenges because challenges are the path to success.

That's the learning curve. Embrace every lesson Life sends you. Hang onto your dream. Stay focused. You really can do it!

For more information on developing life skills, better relationships, and becoming the best YOU possible, visit and sign up to receive your FREE subscription to "What Matters Most", a weekly ezine of inspiration, motivation and humor from a Christian perspective.

Ruth Seebeck has built a reputation over the last three decades as a life-skills coach, mentor, Christian counselor and friend. She is a business owner, author, community volunteer and event coordinator whose passion is helping others overcome life's challenges.

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