Saturday, 15 May 2010

You Can Do it, Three Keys to Victory

Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come. ~ Og Mandino

You can do it! I don't know if you really know that, but I'm telling you. You can do it. Whatever you want to accomplish, there are steps you can take today that will lead you toward your goals. You just need to get started.

We have a pup named Rascal, but he should have been called 'Houdini'. He escapes from the yard on a regular basis. It's fenced, of course. But Rascal hunts until he finds a way to get out. Every time we block an exit, he finds another. His goal in life is to be free.

I was thinking about that this morning, and how it applies to us. What are you trying to accomplish with your life? What is your dream? And what is holding you back?

Sometimes your challenges are mental. This is just too hard. I don't have time! Can I really do this? Why would anyone want to listen to me?

Then there are learning challenges. HOW do I do it? I don't understand this. What if I have to go back to school? I don't even know where to begin.

Often, the problem is other people's attitudes. You're doing WHAT? Why would you want to do that? You'll never get it off the ground!

Sometimes they are actual - time constraints, other responsibilities, emergencies and life's little surprises that show up every day.

To find your own path to victory, use these three keys:

1. Image the future you want as if it's finished. Give your subconscious something to focus on. Then, commit to put in some effort - every day - that will move you toward your goal.

2. Overlook setbacks and disappointments. Tell yourself, "I will not be defeated and I will not quit." Make that your mantra. Keep trying. Find the holes in your fences. Go over, around or through the problems.

3. Learn to value the process of discipline. Put yourself through the paces. Do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Be prepared and willing to attack the challenges because challenges are the path to success.

That's the learning curve. Embrace every lesson Life sends you. Hang onto your dream. Stay focused. You really can do it!

For more information on developing life skills, better relationships, and becoming the best YOU possible, visit and sign up to receive your FREE subscription to "What Matters Most", a weekly ezine of inspiration, motivation and humor from a Christian perspective.

Ruth Seebeck has built a reputation over the last three decades as a life-skills coach, mentor, Christian counselor and friend. She is a business owner, author, community volunteer and event coordinator whose passion is helping others overcome life's challenges.

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