Saturday, 15 May 2010

How to Change What You Focus on and Start to Feel Great

The reason we feel the way we do on a daily basis is the result of what we focus on every minute of our day and what we are feeling physically in our body at that particular moment.

The feelings that we experience are affected by a number of different things, like the amount of sleep that we get, what we eat and by the change in our energy levels.

If you are tired then you are most likely not going to feel very enthusiastic about very many things although by changing your focus the amount of energy that you are able to feel can be incredible.

What we focus on is a direct result of the questions that we are continuously asking ourselves in that particular moment. If we keep asking negative questions, our brain will search for negative answers, based on our past, our environment, what people have said or done to us and if our brain cannot find anything worthwhile, it will make things up to try and come up with an answer.

The secret to overcoming the whole negative downhill ride into a state of frustration, disempowerment and even depression is to change the way in which we ask ourselves questions. For instance, instead of asking yourself why you never have any energy, you could change the question around to be more positive by asking yourself how you can increase your energy levels. Your brain will then search for a positive way to help you or any ideas of avenues that you could explore to achieve your goal.

When you ask a positive question, your brain stops thinking about why you cannot do a certain task or why something always happens to you, and starts focusing on how you can change your situation.

These types of questions will start to empower you and lift up your energies levels and in turn make you feel better. Too often people spend their time thinking about everything that is going wrong in their lives instead of using all that energy to explore all the great things that are happening in their lives. The sad thing about this is that you start to find yourself in a rut where nothing you do actually brings you any joy or happiness because you do not take the time to see the positive things that are actually happening.

If you could spend only ten percent of the time that you dedicate to focusing on why things are so bad,on all the good,positive things that are actually happening in your life,you will feel an amazing transformation in your zest for life,energy levels and desire to excel in every area of your life. All it takes is the time to change the questions that you ask yourself to more empowering questions that can steer you to more positive answers.

Wade has been writing articles online for over two years now. Come visit his latest website at which helps people find the best garden furniture deals and information when designing their outdoor area at home.

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